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David E. Gates
(United Kingdom)

David E. Gates has published a number of books and short-stories. His work has been featured in television, radio and print media.

His first book, Access Denied, a true story based on events from his life, was nominated for the 2017 Readers Choice Awards. His latest novel, The Wretched, won SILVER in the AuthorsDB 2017 Cover Contest!

His first horror novel, The Roots of Evil, was voted best to read on the Novel Festival site!

David’s poem, The Ode of Phineas Gage was selected for feature on PoetrySoup.com. The Magic of Mushrooms, another poem, made runner-up in the Grow Wild poetry competition. Other poems, such as Vape Away, Terminators and Outrunning The Rain, have been featured in The Poetry Festival.

He won the SILVER prize in the AuthorsDB 2016 Cover Contest for The Ghost of Clothes and won best HORROR Novel Logline for 2016 for The Roots of Evil.

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