Christopher Percy
(United Kingdom)
Christopher Percy is an English author of the published dark fantasy novel Dark of Winter and its origins short stories and Since Never, Book One of the Turned Trilogy.
He is currently working on the follow up to Since Never, Time Tells, book two of the Turned trilogy and a new stand alone book, Wolf in the Womb. True to Percy form both will be extremely dark and violent and may even feature some naked boobies. Something for the dads eh!
It is Christopher's mission statement to keep his books simple, imaginative, entertaining and as bloat free as possible. Personally he hasn't got time to invest in some of these doorstop sized tomes. Dark fantasy is serious but you're a tourist when you read, you don't really live there and don't need pages and pages of superfluous information. Like so many authors Christopher took it upon himself to write the books he wanted to read and he can only hope there are like minded people out there who crave fantasy books in a generous 'normal' size, that you don't have to invest months to appreciate the depths. In short Christopher cuts to the quick but there will always be layers for the most stubborn of tourists to appreciate. :-)
Christopher lives on the South Coast of England. He has a full time job and writes in his spare time. He can be found on Twitter @DarkofWinterbk, or loitering on Facebook and Instagram @ChristopherPercyAuthor.
Www.facebook.com /christopherpercyauthor
Twitter.com /darkofwinterbk